8 Insightful Identity Management & Cybersecurity Articles, July 2018


Every two weeks, we curate the latest IAM/IDM and cybersecurity industry news in the Idenhaus Identity & Access Management digest. We curate the best cybersecurity articles to help you navigate the ever-changing IT landscape. Subscribe to our biweekly newsletter here.

Here are the top IAM and cybersecurity articles from late July 2018. Enjoy!

Using Blockchain to Support a New Approach to ID Management via BankInfoSecurity

At the crux of this new model for ID management is blockchain technology, which can be leveraged to ensure the integrity of identity information.

Identity eats security: How identity management is driving security via CSO

New intelligent identity management systems are changing the way organizations authenticate users and devices, and they’re making identity the new security perimeter.

Two-Thirds of Organizations Hit in Supply-Chain Attacks  via DarkReading

New global survey by CrowdStrike shows the average cost of a software supply chain attack is $1.1 million.

Between You, Me, and Google: Problems With Gmail’s “Confidential Mode”   via EFF

Under Section 1201 of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, making a commercial product that bypasses IRM is a potential felony, and is so broad and sloppily drafted that just revealing defects in Google IRM could land you in court.

How hackers exploit critical infrastructure via HelpNetSecurity

The most powerful issue here is the ability for attackers to target tangible systems such as power plants and refineries, without having to step foot into the local facility.

Hackers Hiding Web Shell Logins in Fake HTTP Error Pages  via BleepingComputer

If you ever receive reports that your site is compromised and you investigate it, don’t automatically assume an error page is legitimate and investigate further by examining the source.


Security versus usability a conundrum in modern identity management? via CSO

In 2018, we now have a good grasp of the importance of a good UX and UI. But, when it comes to the security of digital identity, especially identity for the masses, how do we balance usability with security and add in a dash of verification too?

10 Most Common Identity & Access Management Stakeholders via Idenhaus

Stakeholder engagement is arguably the most important component of a successful Identity Management project. Yet organizations often treat stakeholders as an afterthought or a fringe activity that is secondary to their technical implementation.


Also, be sure to download my new, FREE digital book entitled Reimagining Identity Management: How To Design, Choose And Implement The Right IAM Solution For Your Business.

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Photo credit: Flickr

By going to work quickly to solve the most challenging cybersecurity and identity management problems, Idenhaus takes the pain out of securing corporate information and assets for companies that aspire to maximize their potential in this digital age. Click here to contact us

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