8 Must-Read Access Management & Cybersecurity Articles

This week’s Idenhaus Identity Management & Cybersecurity Review features a wide-array of topics covering identity access control, security fatigue, RiskSecNY, and blockchain. Stay informed by signing up for our biweekly review of the most important IAM & Cybersec news. Subscribe to our biweekly newsletter.

Here are the top 8 Cybersecurity and Access Management articles from May 2017. Enjoy!

Will People Ever Stop Being Cyber Stupid? via WSJ

Despite training, pervasive messaging, and awareness campaigns, 2 recent surveys reveal that employees continue to do stupid things on their devices that expose confidential data.

10 Tips to Avoid an Identity Management Disaster via Idenhaus

More than half of all IDM projects fail the first time, yet all too often companies quickly select a technology and begin implementation.

How Blockchain Can Solve Real Problems in Healthcare via LinkedIn

One possible reason that some parts of the healthcare industry are ignoring the blockchain clamor is that there’s lots of talk about the platform and perhaps not enough talk about the problems it can solve.

The role of Access Rights Management in cyber security via ITProPortal

The IISP claims that organizations are making poor critical decisions around strategy and budgets, suggesting that organizations are not focused on the right ways to prevent cyber attacks.

Impact of Data Breaches on Reputation & Share Value (Hint: it’s HUGE)  via Centrify

“Effective risk management requires agency heads to lead integrated teams of senior executives with expertise in IT, security, budgeting, acquisition, law, privacy and human resources.”

5 Key Takeaways from RiskSec NY 2017 via Idenhaus

What sets RiskSec apart from much larger events is the manageable bites of high-value content presented in personalized sessions.

Report Reveals Cyber Security Professionals in Vital Industries Don’t Trust What Their Tools are Telling Them via MarketWired

The report also shows a lack of transparency about organizations’ cyber risk posture.

Why machine learning is set to transform identity and access management via TheStack

Ensuring you are addressing the right risks can be complicated by the differences inherent to cloud, on-premise environments, and mobile applications.


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